
Learn how we have been providing answers to the most diverse and challenging requirements for the production, management and use of cryogenic, compressed and liquefied gases since 2004.

An engineering and innovative approach focused on the safety and performance required to manage even the most critical conditions in the production, transfer, and use of compressed, cryogenic, and liquefied gases.

With a background of more than 1,800 orders and more than 2,500 devices built, installed, and maintained since 2004, we have brought our engineering and technology solutions to multiple application areas, from pharmaceuticals to food, from metallurgy to metalworking and processing, from research and development laboratories in science and electronics to the most advanced and complex activities in the medical-health field.

Specifically, our plants, products and technologies find use for:

Al tuo fianco per affrontare le sfide
tecniche e produttive più complesse

Scopri come ottimizzare i tuoi processi e l’applicazione dei gas affidandoti al nostro team di ingegneri e tecnici


ITALIA – 20853 – Biassono (MB)
Via dei Gelsi, 41/43

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TS Italia progetta e realizza sistemi, apparecchiature ed impianti per lo stoccaggio e il trasferimento di liquidi criogenici e per la produzione, distribuzione e l’erogazione dei relativi gas affinché possano essere impiegati sia nei processi industriali che in applicazioni sanitarie e scientifiche.


Head Office

TS ITALIA SRL - 20853 Biassono (MB) - Via dei Gelsi, 41/43 - Tel. +39 039 23 24 066 - -
P.IVA e Nr. Iscr. Reg. Imp. di Milano 04231470966 - Cap. Soc. Euro 70,000 i.v
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